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Farm Work Experience at Laughing Apple Farm

Our farm workers participate in a variety of activities during their stay at our farm. Over the years our apprentices have helped us construct our green houses, bring in the hay, build chicken coops, installed and repaired irrigation systems, incubate and hatch chicks and more, as well as all the routine tasks. We begin accepting applications in December for the farm work eperience positions. We usually hire two workers each year. Please find more details here about applying for the farm work eperience.

Activities through the year on Laughing Apple Farm

Pruning apple trees on the farm in winter
Pruning in February
Life on the apple farm, planting onions in March
Planting Onions in April
Life on the apple farm, a broody hen and her chicks
Broody Hen in May
Life on the apple farm, watching chickens hatch
Watching chicks hatch in late May
Alex planting Tomatos
Planting tomatoes in May
Life on the farm, getting the hay crop in
Haying in June
Life on the farm, feeding the chicks
Feeding the chicks in June
Picking beans
Harvesting beans
Filed work on the laughing apple farm
Planting Garlic in October
harvesting onions on the farm
Harvesting onions
Life on the farm, planting corn
Planting Corn in June
equipment for haying on the farm
Bringing in the last bales
Life on the farm, planting garlic
Preparing the field in October
Life on the farm, the last apple of 2018
The last apple of the year - mid-November


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Work Experience



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